Relationship anxiety came up for me during college years. I see among many of my clients that this is an age that it can impact.
I am excited to announce the launch of our essay Contest. The winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship. McKell Kristen Coaching is committed to supporting students and creating awareness around relationship anxiety.
Who is Eligible:
Any current, full-time student of an accredited two-year or four-year American university or college is welcome to apply. There is no age or specific major requirement.
How to Apply:
Students who fit the eligibility requirements listed above can apply for the scholarship. To enter, applicants must submit an essay (Maximum of 1000 words) on anything related to relationship anxiety, and love.
All candidates must upload their essay to Google Drive, and submit a link in form below.
Submit Your Application
Deadline for Submission:
The essay submission deadline is July 1st 2023.
Selection Process and Notification:
McKell Kristen Coaching will review all essays received and one winner will be chosen prior to spring semester. Once the winner has been determined, he or she will be contacted directly by McKell Kristen by August 15, 2023.
Additional Details:
The scholarship funds awarded are to be used for tuition and books only. Once awarded, a check will be written to the recipient’s school of choice and credited for academic costs. The scholarship is non-renewable. Recipients are only eligible to receive the scholarship once during their lifetime.
Any questions about the scholarship essay contest can be directed to