Spirituality & ROCD
Learn about all things relationship anxiety and ROCD.
Client Interview with Katie
Today’s podcast is an interview with my client Katie. We talk about experiencing different types of OCD, the healing journey, self compassion, and our…

Client Interview with Annie
Today we are interviewing my client Annie. She shares her story with relationship anxiety, her new found confidence in herself and decision making. Listen…

Thoughts on God, Peace & Fear
Have you found yourself questioning if these thoughts are God trying to speak to you? Worrying about why you don’t have more peace in…

Client Interview- ROCD & Christianity with Reagan Lynn
Today we are interviewing my client Reagan Lynn, talking all things relationship anxiety and about how ROCD can impact our spirituality. Check out Reagan’s…

Honesty and Guilt
Your desire to be honest might actually be fueling your anxiety around your relationship. Just because you feel guilty about your thoughts, doesn’t make…

God & Anxiety
What if this anxiety is God telling me something? Maybe God is trying to tell me this relationship isn’t right? Today I talk about…