Relationships & Romance
Learn about all things relationship anxiety and ROCD.
Relationship Vulnerability
Relationships require vulnerability. Allowing other people to see you and your partner, flaws and all. But many of us prefer to hide behind the…

Love at First Sight
Love at first sight…is it real? Is it essential to getting the relationship you truly desire? Has something gone wrong for not experiencing this?…

Past Relationships
Our past relationships are something our brains can easily get stuck on. We can compare our feelings right now to the feelings we had…

Do you find yourself overanalyzing your conversations with your partner? Maybe you think you both should have more in common. Or maybe you worry…

Today we are talking about divorce. Misbeliefs and fears about divorce hold us in our relationships. Tune in to find out how to shift…

Butterflies and Passion
Today we are talking about butterflies, and how often we want to feel butterflies in order to feel confident that our relationship is “right.”…

Talking About Anxiety
Knowing how to discuss anxiety with a partner can be challenging. Our fears can often lead us to hiding what is going on for…

Self Love
Do you find yourself wishing that your partner loved you more? Or that he showed his love more? Today I am talking about self…

The Manual
We gave a manual for how we believe our partners should be. And our happiness hinges on them following our rules for them. Today…